Meringue Cookies

One of my favourite desserts to make for parties are meringue cookies. Not only are they sweet, light, and fluffy, but they also look adorable when stacked on a plate…

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196 views 12:47 pm 0 Comments

Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas

I just discovered an amazing summer dessert that is both healthy and extremely delicious: Frozen Bananas. Okay, the fact that they're covered in chocolate contributes more to the deliciousness than…

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224 views 1:46 pm 0 Comments

Mango Tofu Pie Recipe

Recently, I've been experimenting with different meals that incorporate tofu. To many, it may sound like an unpleasant food choice, but I actually really enjoy it! Maybe it really depends…

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276 views 9:53 pm 0 Comments