Tracking My Fitness Progress: Week 1

Last week I published a blog post as well as a YouTube Video about my New Year’s Resolution for the year, which is to become more physically fit. I vowed to track my progress and provide weekly updates with how well I’m sticking to my resolution, in order to motivate me and my readers. I’ve decided to update this blog every Monday, so since I started my routine on Wednesday, this week was a little short. Nonetheless, here’s my first update!

January 4th

I got off to a great start! I did 30 crunches and 20 squats, then a bunch of leg exercises (leg lifts, bicycles, and back kicks to tone my bum). I did a lot of leg stretches and balancing exercises as well (yoga – check!). I attempted to do some v-snaps but my abs aren’t as strong as they were when I did cheerleading. So instead I did 40 pulses of the pilates move “The Hundred.” I finished my exercise session off with 15 kneeling push-ups (again, I was much stronger when I was a cheerleader! We used to have to do 30 regular pushups at practices! I need to get back in shape!)

January 5th

I wasn’t as motivated as yesterday, but I did 25 crunches and 20 squats. I’m starting to feel the burn from yesterday’s workout, those two exercises were much harder to get through.

January 6th

I’ll admit it, I slacked off today. I did go bowling though. Does that count as an arm exercise?

January 7th and 8th

Two more days of not doing my scheduled exercises. This is bad but I am still motivated to get into the habit of working out regularly! Luckily this was a short week, so I’ll officially get into my workout routines starting on Monday!

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